Wandering Wizards

Wandering Wizards is an official Minecraft Marketplace partner. They have published 26 pieces of Minecraft Bedrock Edition content so far. Wandering Wizards are most renowned for creating skin packs.


Wooley Weirdos on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards

Wooley Weirdos

Bee Bots on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards

Bee Bots

Googly Christmas on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards

Googly Christmas

Lava Skulls on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards

Lava Skulls

Mad Mages on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards

Mad Mages

Garden Gnomes on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards

Garden Gnomes

Animal Print on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards

Animal Print

Glow on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards


Googly Cavemen on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards

Googly Cavemen

City Teens on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards

City Teens

The G Team on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards

The G Team

Googly Eggs on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards

Googly Eggs

Orrible Eggs on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards

Orrible Eggs

Googly on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards


Astro Attack on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards

Astro Attack

Alien Menace on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards

Alien Menace

Action Carrots on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards

Action Carrots

Robot Hamsters on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards

Robot Hamsters

Fowl on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards


Lizard Overlords HD on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards

Lizard Overlords HD

Love Potions HD on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards

Love Potions HD

Emoji Bots on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards

Emoji Bots

Crash Test Dummies HD on the Minecraft Marketplace by Wandering Wizards

Crash Test Dummies HD

1 of 1
23 products

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